Digital4democracy trasnforms the Council Hall in your city's Parliament.
A new and modern virtual public square, where citizens could actively partecipate in the administrative life.
A new and modern virtual public square, where citizens could actively partecipate in the administrative life.
Digital4Democracy supplies the Council Hall the maxium of efficiency with an investment suitable for all towns/cities.
Digital4Democracy is Streaming, and much more:
Digital4Democracy let your Town Council Hall become modern, providing it with the function of the square of the Ancient Greece.
The latest law dispositions (Italy) demand the public administrations to guarantee tranparency to citizens using digital comunication services.
As for now, 200 elective Assemblies take advantage of this technology, the result of research and development performed by Cedat85 in its more than thirty years activity.
As for now, 200 elective Assemblies take advantage of this technology, the result of research and development performed by Cedat85 in its more than thirty years activity.